Free Spyware Killer

Win Apple iPad by Just Liking Us

If you ever Apple iPad or iPad Mini, now's a good chance to win one! Rules of the game are simple, just like us on Facebook

We will compile the number of fans and choose 2 lucky winners from every EVERY 1000 Likes to provide iPad as top award and iPad Mini as second prize.

To win the iPad and iPad Mini, you should follow the 3 simple steps:

1. Download, install & launch Free Anti-Spyware;

Like US

2. Click "'Like' us and win an iPad!" button at the left bottom to visit our Facebook page;

Like US

3. "Like" us.

The activity ends when the it reaches 20,000 "Like's" and after that we'll arrange more activities and contests, not just lucky draw. What's more, following us on Facebook is a great way to keep up with related computer security news, tips and tricks that matter, providing the newest free support and update for our products.

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Free Spyware Killer